Wet Rot Causes and
Solutions to Wet Rot South England The main causes of wet rot are high
levels of moisture in the air resulting in the timber decaying off
its own accord. Wet rot is easier to deal with instead of the usual
dry rot that becomes a real problem. Due to their always being a
structural problem when wet rot takes hold it has to be dealt with by
the professionals using expert skills. As well as plaster and
decorations being damaged the timber in the frames are severely
effected and have to be repaired before any other work is carried
If you happen to have timber that is
suffering from wet rot you need to call us as soon as possible before
further damage occurs. You can notice the damage because the timber
will feel spongey and darker in certain areas around the paint. Once
the timber then dries it will crack and flake into separate pieces
which is when timber in the roof becomes a hazard and at great risk
of collapsing.
Tactics There are simple steps you can follow
to make sure that you never have to experience damaging wet rot at
your home or property. The first one is by avoiding damp walls from
occurring in your property. You can then check the roof space for any
leaking water supplies or water entering from the outside.
You should also check the main problem
areas in your home which are located under the kitchen sink, around
the bath, the shower surroundings, wash basins, toilets and behind
washing machines, basically all of the wet areas in your home.
How To Treat Wet
Rot Treating wet rot can often be time
consuming and result in replacing saturated timber with fresh dry
wood supplies. The first area you need to repair is the structural
elements of the property in the form of floor joists and roof trusses
so that you are safe in your home. There are ways around completely
replacing the rotted timber by adding smaller sections of new wood in
but to be safe consult our team as soon as possible.
Contact Us For more information call us on 023
8032 6500.